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Business Culture and Innovations

Key aspects of Leadership
  1. Get the right people
  2. Hedgehog Concept
  3. Brutal Facts
  4. Culture of Discipline
  5. Technology Accelerators
Hedgehog Concept

It's not a goal, A strategy, or Intention. 
It's an understanding.



Pour your heart into it – By  Howard Schultz (CEO Starbucks)
Good to Great – By Jim Collins
Winning – By Jack Welch (Ex CEO GE)
The Search (The Google story) – John Battelle
The Elegant Solution: Toyota’s formula for mastering innovation – Mathew E May

The Managers Job – By Henry Mintzberg, Harvard Business Review
The Effective Decision –  By Peter F Drucker, Harvard Business Review
What Leaders really do – John P Kotter, Harvard Business Review
Building a company of Citizens – Brook Manville & J. Ober, Harvard Business Review

Remember the Titan
Coach Carter


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